When I hit the roads yesterday after work, the skies were crystal clear. Beautiful bright Sol was streaming down, painting the clouds in their late day colors. As I walked out for a short Griffin loop, I only had about a good hour or so of daylight. I put a little jog on as I began my cut through the quiet streets (holiday for others), and headed through the trailers, up the over pass, through Ravenswood, and headed south again on Park. Running after work is a considerable challenge, oh yes. All day using my body to support my head constantly looking at computers, listening to people...my respite is running through the hallways to find person A or B....(like I did on my old unit, 'running' up and down our corridors for clients). So you can imagine, when I ask my body to really RUN I get protests. I get a creaky, tight short gait; I get a "wha???" from my feet, my legs, my hips. It feels like I am back in my early running days when going several blocks, a mile, 2 miles was such a triumph! The difference? I can tell I am a 'real' runner because my breath is good, I really do not tire- it's always my legs/feet/hips that give way eventually to walking my way home.
By the time I rounded out past the park, the evening clouds had wandered in like parked airships pointed towards the sunset, morphing colors as the daylight bled out to evening. I felt that coolish air filling my lungs, and the painted sky luring me deeper into endless wonder: how did I manage to find a place on this planet where climate is a boon, not a bother? Where everyone else seems to struggle against winter, floods, volcanoes and earthquakes- every imaginable condition.... we bask in the warmth, the heyday of sub-tropical splendor!
My office has no windows. I hole myself up in my role as co-boss, and channel my creative skills into the endless series of projects and interactions that seem to make up my day, just a few steps removed from the grand Out-of-Doors. Running is still-and always- my way back into Mother Nature, and I can tell She misses me!! Our love affair continues in different circumstances and timing, but our passion always runs deep!
Many of my uber runner friends continue to race and rack up impressive distances and times, while some like me struggle with adaptations. I put myself out there to get the support I need to help keep my motivation from failing me altogether. And you are there, my friends, my family who follow all this running drama, you who know it is not just some exercise routine. It is my life-saver, my meditation, so much a part of my spiritual path it has been with me in some form (long expeditions into wherever) since childhood.
So if you are struggling to adapt to 'new things', as I know many are, I prescribe a trip out into the arms of Gaia, on your own two feet. Take yourself out for a date with Nature and notice the amazing skies, the trees waving at you on the wind, and most of all, absorb that beautiful light which grows in strength every day as we grow closer to Cosmic Mother and Her Galactic signals. Show YOUR true colors today and shine!
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