I am a notoriously poor traveler; my body, which I work so hard to regulate, disagrees with moving conveyances. A runner puts on a pair of shoes and takes off with a firm pit-pat...all the while grounded to Mother Earth. Planes are mysterious, and semi-torturous; I lose gyroscope, the energy seems to suck out of me, I'm hot/cold/tired...and nauseous. Every time it bumps or moves I instinctively reach for anything to brace myself as we seem to free-fall through space. And yet, as I watched out the window as the plane tucked itself between the cloud layers, finding its lane down the eastern seaboard and over the Atlantic, I felt myself floating between realities: my old life in the Valley, and kids in DC, and my life in Florida. The me that gathered at the farm Saturday with all my extended spiritual family; the mom me, grandma and mother-in-law me...the elder me with the Wangs feeling my way into the new matrix of Fairfax and all the comings and goings of generation #3.
I walked straight back into an entirely new arrangement of
my self-concept in Florida too. Without warning, dreams and seeds planted long ago took sudden root.

No amount of 'not ready', 'haven't prepared', self-doubts of any sort were to survive the onslaught of blossoming. As I took my first few runs this week, Mother Nature seemed to convey this Abundance of Riches and to remind me: it took a lot of SHIT to make this happen.
The dharma we all carry to come closer and clearer to our true selves is so precise; the only way I can see this one is some miles out on the road, away from pressures, with a nice
little rhythm to the gait to entrain my brain away from negative speculation. After all, it only feels impossible until we break through the barrier- the ground, the deadwood, the fatigue....one day we turn around and find exactly what we said we always wanted.
I'm glad Florida still has surprises for me, and this generosity is a sign of things to come. New things come with adjustments. We are creatures of habit and sometimes changing things up is exactly what needs to happen. What remains the same is the nimble focus; for remember it may ask you to push a little, suck some wind....we all stretch ourselves each time the paradigm shifts. But this is how we grow into the beautiful creatures we become...
little by little until we are full of sunlight and perfumed like the gods.
I have every confidence that somehow in this Dance of ours, good things will come. And I feel this because in Mother's Garden, there are no rejected parts. There are intricacies and necessities. And in the end it's a fantastic beautiful mess!
Smile at it, laugh with it, cry if you need to. Just remember to look around-
you will be convinced that everything must play its part.
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