Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Musings on Training

A runner is in perpetual preparation.  The runners I admire are like that,  training and prepping for their next race, event,  project....tweaking out their food, sleep, physical therapy,  writing their mileage plans....
I look back and realize I first learned this as a wood carver.  All the time it took to work into the wood,  to get the shape, to refine, to sand, to finish....such a long process.   Training is a long process too.  So as a runner,  I am in perpetual preparation.
This boon is so out of my character, I know it is 'a gift.'   A known impatient person, I have the capacity now to wait out 26 miles to gratification.  Try it,  it's not easy!!  And translated elsewhere in my life,  I have a long-distance view of things.   I can percolate.  I can stay with my base, as I have been lately,  glad that once a week I can up the effort and pull out a decent long run,  when I am validated for that equation, that hard work = success.
Whatever your right brain practice,  if you have longevity with it you know what I'm talking about.  The angst I see in clients (and people in general)  has everything to do with their lack of established healthy routines with their so much is constant turmoil and reactivity.  The longer they sustain their effort, the greater the benefit for them and those around them....we reverberate way further than we know.

Amongst the angst of my own reactions,  I know a far greater part of me is swimming in a crystalline sea of splendid color,  tapping the moment when it all comes clear, and free.  I find that in running,  in a more visceral way even than art, which has always been my path.   Throwing my body forward makes the connection more immediate;  I have no where to go but forward.   Entrainment was a word that came into fashion with Mickey Hart;  the tap tap of a runner's footsteps is similar to a repetitive dance which just keeps on is hypnotic and I see now that I put myself in trance regularly.  Is it any wonder that I chose rightbrainrunner  and not rightbrainartist to write from?  Who knows maybe I need to look at that.   The bottom line is the Greatest Artist of Them All,  The Great Mother, is so worthy of my honor and respect,  for She led me to the right brain to begin with, where She can be met.  She is waiting there for everyone;  this is Her home.   She who moves the 'heaves and earth',  the Spirit and Breath of Life itself...the creative principle.  And so my mission was born.

Get into YOUR right mind today.   Check your inner list of most favorite things,  those activities or practices which put you in your right brain,  where your relationship with Life is not theoretical, stifled, but expanded into the 'rightness' of the Big Picture,  and your place in it.   Let you be you.  Relax, and keep moving.

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