Sunday, November 4, 2012

Daylights Saving time, Beach Jog/walk 11-4-12

Like many others,  I experience the shift into November as luminous (just look at that morning sun!), painful, confusing and exciting all at once.  The physical symptoms which are hampering any serious running continues,  forcing me to relax all expectations and take advantage of down time to REST.  As someone who usually keeps up a pretty consistent and busy schedule, including training,  the message is cutting through my ego loud and clear:  LET IT ALL GO. 

So that's what I did.   Daylights savings time gave me an extra hour to contemplate what to do today:  do I even try to run at all?  But something in me keeps saying 'just get out there'- so I kept it light:  my music only and kept the hydration belt at home.   As I started out,  it felt as if I was drawn to the beach, even though that seemed like an awfully long distance for someone feeling lucky to stay on my feet for a walk around the neighborhood.  And true to that,  my gait is so limited and slow,  that a woman walking a moderate pace easily passed me by, as I kept at my might not look like running at all...but it appears I have morphed into something like a joggish walker....and as I watched her go I felt a pull on my heart wondering as I do every day out now,  'what is happening to me'?

Still there is something to be said for moving just as much as you can.  And my reward came spread before me at the beach, with the Light streaming off the ocean and hitting me in my heart, which I hadn't realized felt just a little bruised from the week past....and as I soaked up that scene I felt proud of my tenacity to get out,  get moving and allow the compassion of Mother Nature to pour into me.

Whatever your beliefs about the hurricane, climate and earth changes and the Big Shift underway,  the fact that our very essence is cradled within the arms of Gaia is comforting to me.   I can easily swirl off into mental realms less secure.  But the forms and feeling of Nature are my comfort and aid. We will see where it all leads us, as we all continue to make our way,  one day and sometimes one step at a time.  But as more Big Events await us,  remember we have each other to lean on,  to love and learn from....Be open to your own heart and the Great Heart of Life beckoning you along.  You only have your fear to lose. 

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