Running either ahead or behind myself; the runs I did this weekend were lazy, basic, get 'er done miles including today, heading out on my usual loop. The timeline in my head revealed itself to me as I wound down the walk home, and chatter cleared like sun breaking through early morning clouds, providing the first glimpse of 'in the moment' Reality.
I recognize I have a bad habit of harboring so much desire and focus on 'what can be' and "what was' that I absolutely resist and forget to appreciate what's going on RIGHT NOW. All weekend, I was in 'recupe' mode; the result of a long stretch of work which tires me mentally and spiritually, and allowing myself the time needed to get 'stuff' done as well as give my body/mind the rest it craves. There is no end to chores, projects, and 'projections'...the attempt to define and mostly likely control the outcome of the future by 'pushing' myself into it, with my ideas and dreams of What Can Be.
The Run has its own momentum even in tired days like now at the height of summer and hot conditions. From dead sleep to out on the roads, I am always amazed at what my body will muster and how naturally I assume the position of 'runner', eating up, albeit slowly, the miles of my loop. So, too does the run of our lives....we pick up a momentum when focusing on goals, we benchmark our progress, we mark calendars. Without goals or dreams to fulfill, we are gliding along asleep, willing to allow ourselves to be taken over by the conditions of the day, or times. I have been running after goals forever; especially since '93 and the year I returned to school and 'the world' to resume my own independent path. I have never had a year when I was not in hot pursuit of the next credential, requirement, class or notch on my professional belt to secure my place in the Marketplace. And with it has come strength, confidence, skills and the unfolding of hidden talents. The Artist in me loves the creation of this work-in-progress, and recognizes the hand of something Profound providing the many elements in my Grand Design. But even so, there is a restlessness and need to keep pushing the limits of my creation even as I know Something Else has the Whole Picture in Mind.
Today's run gave me the gift of seeing myself in the Moment. Because I am part of the dimensions of place and distance I can not hurry myself home, no matter how worn out I might feel. The discipline of this experience is the Freedom in acceptance of these dimensions which can otherwise feel limiting, and invite all my impatience to the fore. I am grateful, therefore, to be reminded, as always, to Remember the road without is truly a Road Within.
We hold the freedom to see or believe anything. As we come off the Independence Day holiday, give yourself the gift of your own Right Mind, your independent thinking, to lead you on your destined Path to uncover your truth in Existence. The elements are all there. Pick up your feet and GO.
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