Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Revoluton, Continued

If you haven't read the Dalai Lama's statement on the anniversary of the Tibetan uprising, it's worth seeing how the world's most activist spiritual leader puts his ideas across about what is happening around the world.  "This earth belongs to humanity...."  is one example of his clear and inspired statement, and we, who are flung out around the globe and 'hear' him, are called to muster our collective will to continue the Fight for Freedom:  Universal Human/Civil Rights for All.

 Wisconsin, along with other states in the US, are now facing the same repressive, conservative push to shut down our Voice and a proud local government employee and union member, I stand in solidarity with my brother and sister workers who are gathering on the steps of their state capital buildings demanding entrance to the building, let alone the table, to dialogue, negotiate, solve problems.

My hope rests with the youth of the world, the same young people who took up their Facebook links and created the ouster of Mubarak and began the domino effect of a global liberation movement.  In the US, we are complacent, overwhelmed and jaded by the corporate take-over of our public interests and the rush to riches by the top 1%.   The rest of us who work to create sustainability, practicality and a Vision of a New Paradigm where everyone has a chance to fulfill their aspirations have been woken up by the Beast of totalitarian tactics.  Wisconsin, I stand with you.  Michigan, Ohio...stay strong.  Florida is surely soon to join you in the struggle.

Take up your Facebook links, and organize.  Show up.  Sign recall petitions, drum your drums.  Pray that the hardened hearts of the 'Haves' are softened by the plight of the 'Have-nots' who are faced with basic scarcity of every element of life.  Freedom will not be denied;  even our beloved Mother Earth will shrug off Her shackles of poison pollution and neglect with Her own version of Revolutionary Evolution.   We can still stand on the right side of history:  the Time is Now.

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