Tuesday, October 26, 2010

World Running

It's that time again, the annual World Run Day and opportunity to celebrate what we enjoy- whether it's the solo run out on the lonely roads, or training with our club, group or training partner(s).  I've been in the habit of running at Hugh Birch state park/Ft. Lauderdale.  This year I'm open to suggestions in case anyone is interested in marking this event.

So local runners, let me know what you think!  Even if a group run doesn't materialize, mark the date to pay homage' to the sport which gives us strength, stamina and a peace of mind which comes from letting our bodies and minds get in sync with our spirits....There is an Elder Soul of Running, maybe it's Mercury, the Messenger.  And I often feel that the wings on my feet are really those in my heart.  It is the thrill, beauty and persistence of the run which lifts me into that mythic connection.  Want to run?

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