When you have the enthusiasm and passion, you end up figuring how to excel.
-Deena Kastor
The battle for regaining my usual level of endurance, distance and strength continues...as I wrestle with worries, sleeplessness, appetite fluctuations of all sorts. I made up my mind not to give myself an 'out' on this morning's run, and despite chilly temps (for me), I suited up and out the door I went.
Something still plagues me in my right hip/leg/ankle/foot...when one spot sticks, it cascades like dominoes on down the line. When my mind becomes over-focused on one aspect of things, the energy bottles up the push of universal mind, in its ever-present rush through my being. It's been a holding pattern; waiting for things to resolve. Waiting for doors to open that are hinged on rusted bolts of inertia, willfulness, stubborn resolve of all sorts, denial of death, life and the process of change.
I found a slight respite after my stretch at Anderson park. My body was not quite on board until then, but the ride home gave me more comfort and bounce, and the chill air felt cooling and comfortable. I strive to make my peace with the wind. I aim for consistency in many things. The ability to take what weather, fates and desire dishes out is my goal. I am on my feet, fighting my way through the demons of my own making. Meanwhile the sweet song of Universal support takes the bottom note and tells me, keep going...the goal is near!
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