Monday, March 31, 2014

New Moon in Aries: Running with Passion

The week began with signs and wonders,  while celestial forces keep shifting and rebalancing Spring into a kaleidoscope of beauty....sudden rainstorms and amazing rainbows....
clouds climbing high into the skies, captured on a few week-day runs,  amazing because despite some high winds (and therefore wind resistance on the roads),  I felt strong and capable this week.  The sheer energy and excitement of rolling up March into Aries, my birth month, with the advent of so much change upon me,  was unstoppable.  Nothing in my mind (beliefs about limitations) or heart (weariness of the struggle) could dampen that.
It seemed the skies themselves kept showing me that nothing remains permanent except our long enough and the atmosphere changes- always- and what looks like solid cloud cover,  stormy weather,  brick walls of all sorts will morph....opening up our Vision into something deeper than before (if we let it).
So waking up Sunday to overcast skies did not dampen my enthusiasm.  I put on my gear and began a nice long Griffin loop completely oblivious to my body,  which put itself into a slow rhythm as I rounded off the overpass and headed up 29th.  Ravenswood-  still felt my head 'somewhere else' as the stiff winds blew around me down the quiet streets....and again,  so consistent was my rhythm,  I did not stop after Publix, but kept right on going,  one foot in front of the other until home.  I realize now what a gift all this is:  with my body in sync I can put all my enthusiasm into the move and the manifestation of the next 'Ricci place'....the house/garden/office/studio which will support my creative, professional and personal dreams.  Like every run,  patience and trust is essential.  Over 10 years now in the condo- and running- and slowly building my resources to become stable and strong.  Dreams sometimes percolate long times...and ask of us to find our Hope,  to sustain us while the Universe conspires in our best interest.  If we Trust the Process,  we may find ourselves rounding out from a particularly long effort finding just what we wanted all along:  the chance to unfurl ourselves like a flag and fly our colors, be our true Selves,  be at Home within. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring Equinox Portal: Benevolence and Hope

She woke me from a long night of dreaming,  then veiled my memories of it all,  while whispering in my ear, "it's dawn,  let's go run! You can do it, you're rested!"  And even though I had 'planned' a bit of a sleep-in before running,  as much to catch the sun as anything else,  I couldn't ramp down my own excitement.  Every time is still like an expedition from childhood:  I'm about to go out into the world, on my own feet, and explore.  The skies looked overcast,  weather said clearing.  I took one over-shirt for an early chill,  and headed out the door.
She gives me constant encouragement.  Lately, the sound of my nay-sayer is beginning to feel ridiculous;  a repository of ancient fears and beliefs that keep rising through the surface of my thoughts like noxious vapors;  wrinkling my nose against their assault on my person,  my capabilities, my dreams.
I adjusted my Flows,  and threw up some leg stretches on the steps on my way towards the road.  I don't know where this energy is coming from,  but She nudges me, "look up"
to see the half-hidden pearl of a moon and a sudden knowing, "there is always so much be...."   Taking off for a run always holds anticipation and questions:  I ran last at the beach for Equinox;  I've been working on leg exercises, however.  How will I do? 
Yesterday I listened to Lewis Wolpert, an English cell scientist in his late 80's talk about aging.   How many examples of artists, writers, musicians, scientists live and work all their lives?  Compelled by desire and mission and beauty....coming to each day like I did today,  with Her voice in their ear saying "wake up!  Creation awaits!"
I did my warm-up walking past the sleepy park and catching just a sliver of rising sun off the canal, as I rounded off the overpass into Emerald Hills.  There has been a lot of magic to this place;  will I find my next "great running neighborhood" as nice as this has been?  Living humbly on the fringe of a better neighborhood has been a boon, for sure!  Week in and week out I have watched the landscape of many beautiful houses,  passed the lovely parks, woven through back alleys and around the waterways of North Hollywood. 
And fallen in love with skies.   Sometimes I wonder if its a way to connect with Michael,  who gets his clouds up close and personal in the glider. 
And whether skies are another metaphor for a Great Reaching into something far away from my daily concerns.
The streets were quiet,  a few runners and walkers filtering through the same side streets while I crossed Stirling to catch 40th north praying all the stray dogs were asleep....keeping an eye on my feet on the uneven sidewalks...surprising myself with a nice steady gait thus far,  adjusting my breathe and coming up to Griffin...

 There is an empty lot at that corner.  Suddenly the whole sky opened like a Great Fan over me,  like Wings, or the soft veils of Heaven following hidden channels of light from the sun to cover the landscape with the peace of Sunday.  I start up the Griffin stretch with light traffic on the road, heading east into the sun. 

I'm not one prone to 'joy' in the traditional sense.  More the contemplater;  the 'bridge' of things, not necessarily embroiled in things themselves.  Once more, however, as another part of this Equinox portal,  joy has come to me and for no real reason.  And so I found myself heading past my 35th St. cut-down towards my Publix pit-stop feeling light on my feet, with every past race and run in my vocabulary,  infusing this run with strength, knowledge and confidence.  I wasn't a runner until 10 years ago.  I couldn't run down the block.  Now I was halfway into a sold 10-12 miler, feeling fine,  absorbing the gorgeous air skimming my bare arms with bliss in my soul.
Dr. Wolpert said he still jogs, stating something like 'I'm very slow and you walking could pass me, but I do it anyway"- so true! Seeing myself somewhere out there, a little old gal moving slow but sure down some beautiful road.  Winding down, I broke into a walk for a nice cool-down past the park,  the trees glowing in bright spring green in the morning light.
She is throwing me a parade and patting me on the back,  thrilled for my triumph - I have made it back from my great expedition!  Inside all of us is a Great Nay-Sayer and a Benevolent Guide, a Coach, our highest self.  Each of them embodies the disillusionment of innocence lost in this hard world,  or Eternal Hope,  the certainty of growth, change and moving forward, guided either by our Consciousness Awareness or self-sabotaging slumber.  If we choose to stay asleep we become the expression of our worst cynicism.  It is all too much, not enough,  and someone else's fault. 

Luckily for us,  Great Mother has it all in hand.  ALWAYS looking out for us,  She is busy now,  planting Her spring seeds, making sure there is a proper ground for germination.  There is a Big Harvest ahead!  We have incubated these dreams for a very long time.  She knows the hardships of waiting, or harsh winters,  feels the scars on Her belly from the destructive hand of humankind disengagement.  Singing to us now,  waking us from winter while absorbing, assimilating and ultimately throwing off what will not bear fruit,  She is ruthless in her truth, in Life and Death balance.  Just as aging brings us face to face with our self-management, the scope of our optimism or discord,  and asks us to what lengths we will go to maintain our right relationship with our lives.

I say let's go for Hope.  There is no number or limit to that.  You don't even need to believe.  Just look up and see what the skies are telling you.  Somewhere in all that moving kaleidoscope of color and light is a mirror, a benevolent reflection of you....a part of you saying, "YOU are amazing, beautiful, strong, limitless.  Well done! keep it moving! There is more to create, to see... and be. Do what brings you joy, and be the beautiful being you are. "

Sunday, March 9, 2014

My Moving Meditation

It felt strange to attempt a sleep-in; by the time I realized I might as well get up,  good ol' iphone revealed I already lost an hour.  Got into my gear,  with a light windbreaker for cool air, and headed out past the park, the sun already cresting trees.  Still breaking in the new Flows,  and recovering nicely between some decent runs.  Surprised at my own resiliency in the midst of all the high drama at work.  The gods clearly conspired to give me a breather, however.  Yesterday clients canceled, and today, no quarters for laundry.  I have a personal policy to always, if at all possible have 1 day NOT to go anywhere, not to drive.  Driving is very stressful for me, and I am a bad commuter.  I drive like I'm maneuvering through a pack of runners...but I digress. 

Warm-up walk to my start point up the road, curving around and through quiet Emerald Hills to pick up the big Griffin loop and a few areas I haven't seen in a while.  My pace, which waxed and waned for a while, seemed to relax into it's own steady rhythm, and the shoes clearly helped;  I could gather those moments,  like precious pearls,  when I forgot I was running and lost track of 'self' while I was clearly entirely focused on ideas, things in my mind.  Amazing though I always seem to notice the landscape.  Is it an automatic pilot? Learned muscle memory?  If you are a good enough runner,  can you just forget about 'the run' and use it as a platform for other experiences?

My jacket was off within a mile,  the chill air tickling the warm surface of my skin, heated by the sun.  Even in so-called winter,  the sun in south Florida is always warm.  Somewhere I heard that humans are ideally suited to an environment between 70-90, moist and warm,  where life flourishes...welcome to SoFlo.  Solar medicine, as I think of it, is also my anti-depressant, my Vitamin D.  I am moving along at my turtle's pace,  thinking of nothing and everything going on,  and being healed on so many levels, in so many mysterious ways.

Fab pit-stop at Publix,  back on the roads, cruising through the trailers and back around to my neck of the woods,  patting myself on the back for 'job well done.' 
I was rewarded with the gentle nudge Mother Nature seems to give me when I'm outside,  to notice something or other;  and as I approach the park,  the light came bouncing through the southern oaks and begged for picture-taking....resplendent with happy light, refracting down the spanish moss, reaching out to embrace me, congratulate me, thank me for noticing.  Yes, as I begin my walking/cool down,  where ever I find myself,  there is a moment of astonished satisfaction, and as if all Air, all Light, all gravity, earth, spiritual forces propelled me along and celebrate my accomplishment.  As good as any finish line.  My moving meditation. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

On the New March

All the facets of our lives are 'showing up.'  The more truth/light is shed on things, (into?) the more of whatever we have not faced emerges.  This is true for healing on the individual level,  group level and of course, multinationally as we are seeing in mainstream news.  We prayed for this, folks.  In our tumultuous course of change,  let's not forget that we, ourselves, asked for the 'revolution', and heard a Call to Mend the Golden Hoop as Mello said.   The Hoop is us.  And only we can recognize the problem and address it.

I ran both Saturday and Sunday,  up on the Griffin loop.  After seeing clients on Saturday and making my way through the landmines (land-minds) of the week at work,  I needed to reconnect with the roads.  My body protested through every bit of the first 2-3 miles until I rounded out onto Ravenswood and felt my gait open up on the long stretch to Park.  When I woke on Sunday,  clear skies greeted me with a warming sun carried on cool winds.  The Saturday run woke up the muscles for Sunday.   I was tired but loose as I started out up 29th. 

I followed my inner prompt for something challenging enough to work out the usual aches and pains,  heading on after my pit-stop down 35th and once again finding a pace to open up,  relax my arms, and get my head out of my anxieties and into the rhythm.  Sometimes it is just when I hit the middle of a particularly tough stretch that I find the groove, physical and mental, that ends the endless inner conversation, and pulls me completely into my body.  Mental chatter gone,  the rush of air, the warmth of the morning sun and the sights of landscape came fully to me:
and opened up to me like packages of miraculous delight.  I walked the last mile or so,  but my head was on straight,  I hummed with the tunes....and my body had the good feeling of a solid workout.

What I'm going through lately,  like everyone else,  is a ramping up towards Spring Equinox and whatever 'surprises' or changes the fates have in store for Planet Earth.  Each of us, it seems, responds to our higher Calling as the imperative to plant new dream seeds,  and set out on the New March towards our changes, is acknowledged.

Mello used this phrase often in 1990.  We ARE on the New March,  not just the month of March, which is itself a 'new' kind of turning point in our history/herstory,  but 'marching' together in our unified field of spiritual evolving....awake- or half-aware- of the demands these changes ask of us.

If you are feeling 'victimized' by these pressures,  I invite you into Mother Nature's arms:  get into YOUR right mind with HER and allow the gentle comfort of every natural element connect with your deepest mind,  instructing,  comforting, loving the physical creature you are feeling your way into this New World emerging.  Then get honest with who you are.  We cannot plant the new seeds in old earth which has not been turned, fed, prepared.  YOU are the fertile ground from which YOUR dreams will spring!  WE are on this New March together,  collecting all the elements that go with us on our next journey, and leaving behind the anger, blame and self-condemnation for 'past failures.'  When we realize Gaia uses ALL of us, even the 'bad' parts in our Cosmic Compost,  maybe we can relax a bit, get into the groove, the rhythm, and let our Highest Instincts takes us where we need to be.  It may be hard at first, but we have held these dream seeds all along, deep in our hearts.  They are part of a Good Future that was already born,  looking for us NOW. 

We are on the New March.