Monday, November 18, 2013

Super Portal/Full Moon Run

It's a treat, being a long-distance runner, out in the world by yourself with not a soul to make you bad-tempered or tell you what to do.

Alan Sillitoe, The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner

Mother Nature ramps up Her housecleaning project,  shaking out the cobwebs from Spider Woman's unused webs which vibrates the energy grids from end to end,  creating waves of weather and deep earth changes.  Throw in the intense pull from Super Portal/full moon and yes, Ison (Isis?!) and others,  and for me it felt almost as if I had 'slipped' off one timeline and found myself in another....more surreal than real.

Many folks find themselves in their religious or spiritual circles these days, whether praying for the lost, the stricken, for their own troubles and challenges or grounding the Light for global transformation- and that was me, once, back in Virginia.  Here in Florida,  while building the externals of career and early Crone-hood,  it seemed I was asked to 'go within'...and establish the certainty of my heart's own vibe and direction.  A necessity, it seems, for a therapist to remain balanced, healthy and available for clients who come to me for help. 

I learned to turn loneliness on its head and develop the beautiful peace that comes with cultivate the silence and appreciate the down-time as rest and rejuvenation time.  I take each run as a mystical break from the 'every day' and plunge myself into what friend Stuart calls "liminal tme" which usually refers to the dream-state, but I know is another layer of my life,  peeking into the corners of the day.  Recovering from my self-imposed yoga injury, whatever it was/is (rib? muscle?),  I headed out yesterday and automatically climbed the overpass turning for 29th and my Griffin loop.  Like any old horse on the trails,  familiarity breeds comfort.  I didn't want to think about where I was going.  I wanted to focus on how my body felt along the way.

The pull under my ribcage made it feel as if I was hitching constantly to the left.  I focused on breathing (hadn't been able to breathe really deep....) and syncing my steps into a rhythm that wouldn't aggravate, but support the breath.   After ramping down all my efforts last week it was a glorious feeling to have any 'umph' in my gait.  And it showed me that laying the base- all these many months of weekly miles- the strong foundation in whatever we do - has a 'pay-off' - whether we see it immediately or not- for all the efforts that come. 

As if to make the point further,  my small collection of orchids inherited from my father have gone into overdrive this year!  The purple blossom above is a new bloom- in the 5 years this orchid has been with me,  I have never seen it bloom!  Granted my plants seem to love the high solar energies etc....everything in my humble abode is growing!!  But I take this as a particular sign:  "as above so below" knowing that what I experience on one level reverberates throughout my life.    Dad seems to want me to GROW....and to take this Portal, like any other,  with a sense of curiosity, adventure and confidence.   Nothing 'grows'/lives by itself.  We are all interconnected.  So where's the loneliness now?  All Life has come to your aid, to grow you into your Path.  What catches your eye, your heart, yur focus?  Follow the lead of YOUR heart's song and watch life blossom as you move forward!

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