Monday, May 7, 2012

Running with the Feminine Energies

It was the first weekend is some time when the weather gave us clear skies,  the low pressure moving off with the advent of the Super moon,  Wesak (Buddha's birthday), and the ushering in of the Feminine in balance with the Masculine.   Being outdoors, when I work in an office all week,  is a treasured gift;  and I grabbed some before my Saturday clients with a nice out and back out Park,  then again later at Hugh Birch where a lazy loop under the full up sun,  gave me another chance to move it out.   Basking by the intercoastal,  stretching on the wall,  I soaked up those solar rays and listened to the powerful lyrics of songs as they reverberated in my head....meditating on the inter-union of feminine/masculine coming into balance....

Sunday,  I found myself up on the Griffin loop, cutting back to Angler's Ave and walking the last bit down 29th.   It was good to know that those of us dealing with stiffness in our heads/necks/upper backs etc and 'clearing' and shaking loose the karmic imprints of the past....last night a dream about Dad,  who 'disappears' on me mid-way through a work I woke I I release the 'obligations' of taking on negative masculine forces,  one trauma still working through- the strange abandonment of the powerful, protective male as I needed 'him' the most.   The perceived helplessness comes out in those first miles-  the internal fight with myself over how or why I still do this, the discomfort from aches and pains,  the repetition of practice facing the Purpose of what I do....the loneliness,  the lack of exernal mirror....the pain of promises broken....

It was mid-run,  as I came into the long Ravenswood stretch,  blessedly quiet on a Sunday morning, that I found my stride and confidence.  As the rhythm ramped up into an easy gait,  I felt as strong as the mythic messengers cruising down the mountaintops,  light on the trails,  carrying my own Good Message of Awakening to my deep Soul....keeping watch,  protecting the Dream,  nurturing the hopes that feed my motivation to go out there, again and again ...and try,

The balance point that these auspicious times offer are as tumultuous and energetic as any,  and as subtle.  You will not wake up with printed instructions,  or be able to download the new body you crave.   But if you are patient,  you will likely notice what I also see;  the shift, the release, the long progression through the tangles and knots of garden-like growth asking for our attention,  our care, our acknowledgement- our love.   I give myself the Love of Adventure today - for after all, each run, each day is NEW.   And those who resonate to their deepest selves ring Truth into the NEW matrix of change,  bringing YOUR sacred feminine into the drumbeat of your dance with your sacred masculine. 


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed You Blog! 2 Runs Saturday? Is my interpretation correct? And another Sunday? I better get out there!

Right Brain Runner said...

well now..they were very modest runs!! and since I had ditched long runs for a few weeks, I felt I owed it to myself...