Thursday, March 8, 2012

Winds of Inspiration

                                                          The goddess of adventure

Mother Nature has flung Her range of weather at us of late,  short stretches of cold,  sweltering summer-like temps, blustery rains;  wait 20 minutes, and it might all happen- as others experience more record-breaking storms, tornadoes, dust storms and drought...the list goes on and on.  Weather is an indicator.  Like symptoms of the body,  Mother Gaia uses weather as her regulator and expression.   Pat Robertson had it almost right about the prayer in the Midwest;  the earth is always in process of manifesting the energy within the matrix of our connections,  us with Her,  with all other life forms, within the cradle of the Cosmos.

So as I walked out the door this morning on the heels of last night's rain, and into the stiff winds,  I decided to head to the park where I knew the weather would chase off most folks.  Sure enough,  as I rounded the path,  I had the luxury of sliding into an easy gait without stress from cars and most anyone else...the solitude I always crave but seldom find.   Diana the Huntress was known for her solitary nature, taking off into the woods and finding the elements of herself apart from the pressures of life.  In recent news,  the view of those who live alone is being redefined as positive, empowering, blasting the old stereotypes of 'loneliness.'

Women, we need our space and time apart from the pressures of men and the world where definitions of who we are and why will continue to pollute our own growth process.  Never before has it been so important to protect and cultivate our power and connections with ourselves and one another.   Before you seek romance, success, material fulfillment,  go on an adventure to find yourself.   Take off into the first interesting path that calls you, where the trees open up into wide skies and stars, and the light is shimmering down to bathe you in luminescence.  Believe you are the incarnation of every huntress who found herself compelled to take off, to run, dance, sing, create, breathe life into the weary world.  When you doubt yourself the most,  that's when the impulse can be strongest.  We can never be done with the quest, and there is no 'final destination'...but the gifts of certainty and inner confidence are the reward. 

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