Monday, February 27, 2012

Running Nature

"Our inmost nature wants some medium, some way to express and realize itself."- Suzuki

I ran a nice, moderate loop on Saturday and again today;  no Sunday long run.   The pressures of work and on the inner planes are such that a greater need for rest came upon me, and for once I listened.   My self-massage efforts paid off too,  because the chronic hitch in my right foot/leg was loosened again somehow, and today I really felt the difference in my gait.  Of course one release in one spot shifts the balance, and now I can feel the 'issues' in my left's a never ending process of constant adjustments.

The nature of running goes parallel to the nature of living, of expression and art, for me.   Or rather, the many threads of existence are simultaneously seeking new and interesting ways to connect.  While some parts of me are busy fulfilling my daily obligations and service,  others are deep on the hunt for answers to questions I haven't yet asked,  lessons I didn't always know I needed,  experiences which broaden my capacity to understand- my Self, my Big Mind,  the biggest of all, the Heart of Nature Herself.

Sometimes,  like now,  the forces are such that I am happy to cruise along my path and enjoy the ride.  Running gives me a traveler's look at everything around and in me....a way to encompass the matrix of me as I wind around what only looks like the same course, but climbs as a spiral upon itself, finding new levels and vibes.   I love that we are fundamentally unable to define any of it;  at the same time we are compelled to try.  

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