Mello Rye, Priestess of the Sun
The sweet, delicate balance of equinox on the cusp of Spring/Aries energy, of inner and outer planes, of spirit and physicalities *yes I just made that word up*, dropped into my awareness like the fragrant scent of flowers, the growing push of unrealized dreams, hopes and communal aspirations. Dark forces bleed out their fractious impulses all around the world, while the Light workers funnel the higher vibes into the vortex of change...The balance point is the choice point in every moment, leaning towards- or away from- the transformation, which will happen: one way or the other.
As a true Aries gal in many ways, waking up today was like stepping into my true self. Powerful women face the push-back from the patriarchy in so many ways we tend to take it for granted...we give a little ground here, we reconcile there, for the sake of 'peace'- we lose battles and ultimately the larger 'war' when we forget to claim our power. Watch the news any day to see how our very notion of The World is couched in the dark terms of repression/oppression/control/domination ad nauseum, a dialogue created when we 'buy' this sick matrix and fall deep into its beliefs.
Ancient teachers and healers have always alerted us to the The Mother's higher path, call it what you may. I have been reminded deeply of Mello Rye lately, our teacher in the 'Sun Temple' circle, who stood as a conduit, as depicted above, between Mother Earth and the wide Universal Forces 'above'...finding the link, channeling the divine energies to connect, heal, grow, glow....become free.
The transformation during times of intense change is as subtle as it is powerful....and yet every effort is lifted by our conscious connection. Today I look at how I was guided to lay down burdens I have learned from, and embrace new challenges in my path. I release the stagnant scars of disempowerment and remember Who I Really Am. Radiance. Luminescence. Star dust. Sun Light.
Today, find your inner core, the balance point of you. Seek to coax the essence of your soul out of hiding to infuse your daily spirit with a knowing and ...growing....into the beautiful being you are. It is not far, it is HERE. May Lovely Spring bring you Her promise of all good things cracking open like seeds in the fertility of your dreams.
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