Monday, March 29, 2010

A Taste of Things to Come; News from the 5th Dimension

Those of us working in the consciousness changing arena, who endorse the vibrational shift underway often act like scouts bringing the news of the frontier back to the settlements. It happens mostly when we find ourselves together for a big event, such as Vitae's Welcome Home, where the atmosphere becomes charged with our collective agreement to stand in our truth.

The history among us now goes back to when so many of us first met Vitae, who managed to be the springboard for linking the bigger group; whether Sun Temple, Broad Street Church, the Michigan or Tampa folks, west coast, east coast, all the interlocking circles became one under the bright spring skies for Vitae. Our ceremonies are colorful, creative and heartfelt. Mello Rye left us a template in use still, which honors the various forms of Life imbued with us on our earth walk. The visions and images which comes to us seem collected from deep sources of consciousness, not all of which are represented in the flesh. We respect the seen and unseen forces at work on our behalf, so that we may do the work we are called to; we midwife the soul of the circle itself into new chapters, the coming of new ones, the departure of others.

It was afterward, as the food and music flowed and the late afternoon sun began illuminating the many knots of people talking across the lawn, in the shadow of the large trees, the lazy river down below- it was watching this scene that my strongest sense of Vitae emerged. The medieval market scene; the jokers and seers, the priests and country girls, the cobblers and carpenters, the children running and laughing....the sense of immense peace and pathos, the layer of love....Vitae was a soul who always brought me back to the many ancient trails we walked. That day as we bid him farewell, the curtain seemed to part onto the vibrational change which took me forwards and back into our community-minded selves. And it was a beautiful sight, with our colors, our smiles and our good wishes for each and all....

The messages tell us of a vibrational shift; and I felt as if I could put my hand into something which was in fact this dimension and lingered on me like a fragrance on my way home. It's difficult, in the day and age we live, in the manufactured chaos of humanity's imbalance, to retain the sense of that vibration. Stepping off the plane and back to my everyday world, reminds me that my need to 'deliver' this message is as much for me as anyone else; I am too impatient and angry these days with the progress of it all- I forget, it is greater than I can see, it is a fragrance, a misty presence. I can see it in the enlightenment of clients who "get" their own shift and change. I know it's happening when the doors fly open through conflict.

Vitae, our 5th dimensional messenger; it couldn't contain you for long, this world. The easy fit into arms which cradle your dreams came when we least expected it. But no surprise to us who knew you were always At Home there.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

To Vitae, with Love

I woke today with Shari's words ringing in my mind from her message last night; Vitae had rallied and who knows may go on to recover and lead us on once again in this world! As impossible as it seemed, anything now seemed doable with the combined power of the group. I welcomed a cool and clear dawn and took off for the Park where I've decided its high time I ramped everything back down to the beginning...and learn to run those loops again until I regain my comfort on my feet.

TY Park is an amazing oasis in the middle of Broward County. A 2 mile loop encircles a lake and other lovely spots. Walkers, runners, bladers, bikers of all sorts come here; I stopped running the park years ago when I felt I needed the challenge of the open road and longer felt oddly comforting to be back and to commit myself to sane running again.

Took off into the sun. Thoughts of Vitae whirling while I kept wondering how I might pull off the travel north if it came to it, or should I remain 'on line' through spiritual channels....? The first loop was heavy and painful. I am dealing with an unusual level of pain; the old family malady (among others) fibromyalgia, the one my mother was never given support for, has been coming back on me strong. If you don't have it or know what it is, imagine your body hurting and aching everywhere, like a flu- but not out of any bout of illness. My strategy has been working with the underlying inflammatory response- thus my relatively clean diet and fitness routine, plus the attention to plenty of down-time, meditation and inner work.

The presence of pain is a barrier to feeling the light in any situation. But as I rounded out the first loop I noticed a group doing "laughter therapy" on one side while the gazebo where Vitae presided over Michael and Yu's wedding was present on the other, gleaming white on the lakeside. Tears and smiles came to me as I realized that the message of his presence in my life/our life was simply this: Feel and express the effervescent joy of life!! Vitae, my dear old friend, who was always quick with the funny story, the touching take, the wide smile and deep love for everyone he came in contact with, my Old Sage who sang, danced and wrote his wonderful presence throughout the world, who would be the first to cry, the first to understand, the first to embrace the deepest, or highest range of this mystery school experience....

After the second loop and the merciful loosening that seems to always come around the 3 mile mark, I took myself to the gazebo and stretched. The sun was rising off to the east, the laughter folks were still yucking it up across the water.... the ringing sounds of their hilarity kept me smiling as I settled in to 'tune in' to events in Harrisonburg...and prayed....

The messages were there when I returned. Off the morphine he became clear: it was time to go.

Dear friend, it is us who suffer the loss,,,,,but you go on before us as you always have. How much I honor and love you!... for everything you taught me as your devoted sojourner, for your generosity of spirit...for reading and loving my own words and championing my own causes in my life....
My Spiritual Father, you healed the rift in my soul of the negative and angry male and supplanted the anger and depression with your light touch and will never know how much you influenced us all to go deeper, be more authentic, believe with everything we have to keep the Work in motion.

I know many old souls are waiting to Welcome you Home, my old friend. The Beneficent Ones gave us your wisdom for many long years. You worked well, loved deep; it is time.

My dear Vitae. We love you more than words can say. We will miss you here with us. We know you are part of the legacy and Light of Sun Temple and beyond- always.

With Her.
And Them.
And it is SO.
Welcome Home!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Oh yes it got pretty chilly last night, but I've felt colder here, so 3 layers, my long tights, and the new Glycerin 8's headed out after sunrise. I sit all day at work; I try to wander around the building at regular intervals, just to keep my circulation going, but running is the only time I'm really out with physical effort, stretching past my comfort zone, pumping my system up.

I was skeptical about the new shoes up until around the 3rd mile. Brooks only make running shoes. I've been an Asics fan, then a brief go with Under Armour when they began making running shoes...I had a good thing going with the Glycerin 7's. The first miles on new shoes is always good news/bad news. They exude the wonderful feel of virgin manufacturing; mine are lavender, white, silver- and the plush cushioning of a shoe that has not yet broken in. The down side is they are not yet broken in! The first few miles, my right foot was not happy, which meant my right hamstring and hip protesting all the way down the road. I was facing into the wind which came up after an initial lull...By the end of Arthur street I walked the stretch to 58th. After hydration and stretching at the park I turn back on Thomas and the straight away home. Somewhere past the Voc-tech and school I finally felt a relaxation in that foot...and had a pretty easy ride to the end, walking out the last bit.

Shoes are the exoskeleton of the runner. You can wear about anything, but shoes are the vehicle of the run. I know the bare-foot folks are pumping up the anti-shoe message; I've done my share of beach running- I love the feel of bare feet on wet (level) sand. One of my best runs ever was on an empty Daytona beach, the widest, flattest expanse of sand in all Florida- years ago when a novice runner....I took off, barefoot and didn't stop to turn around until I lost my original starting place, finding myself completely alone with the ocean- in bliss....

Post MCM it's still all about working out that right sided mess I have. I realize today that if I pull out 25 miles a week I'm doing pretty good, which still sounds pitiful compared...the pressures of everything else increase with the internal pressure to 'perform'...and I am determined to reframe running as my escape from pressure. I hope, with new shoes, it opens a new chapter to do just that.

We are all wobbling our way along with the planet, while it shifts and groans through so many changes. Keeping any discipline alive places a foundation that modifies the effects of constant shifts. Running entrains more than the body's many intricate systems; it syncs the hemispheres of the brain, and the mind with heart and soul. I keep in mind all the wisdom I can muster to make any effort a worthy one. And I remember the bliss of every good run even in the middle of challenging ones. On we go!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Those long runs cleanse my system, physically and mentally.

-Joan Benoit Samuelson

NEW SHOES arrive today.

Monday, March 1, 2010


My new shoes are due here today; Glycerin 8's. Yesterday's Griffin loop was a study in patience with the winds in my face pushing me almost to a standstill.
Why do we run under adverse conditions? Like everything else in life, it's often the size of the challenge that compels us, and captivates our attention. So big weather, big winds- in the summer, big heat, make for interesting and challenging runs.
As the world seems to escalate in its own challenges, I confess my need for down-time increases. Something in me needs to digest the ever-changing landscape of events. I am often deep in my thoughts...and the run is the one place where my mind escapes into its own landscape.
So don't fault me for taking My time. If you really want to catch up with me, I'll see you on the roads!