Monday, December 21, 2009

The Longest Night

Winter Solstice can be the toughest door to approach, even as the momentum of the year builds to the temporal frenzy of mass delusions...the incessant uber message to shop, spend, consume -whether food or goods- and the need to meld with all the others doing the same thing.

In my mind I am lost in nature. The arms of large trees with wide expanses of sky come and gather me up in the cold layer of air, setting me adrift in my own dreams, my own beautiful cloak of invisibility. It is night, after all. The coming of the day, as we find our way through the door, sets us free for another view. Where we land, what we do, can be changed in an instant, even as the forces of light and dark grind their eternal cycles along....

I am grateful to have the run under me, no matter how long or short. For the brief moments pain subsides, I can fly like the angels and see far, far along the line of my own development, steady as she goes into a new year.

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