Monday, April 30, 2007

Loop de Loop

Yesterday, I conquer what I thought was impossible, after looking at my 3-D map of Ft. Lauderdale; I run a loop from Hugh Birch State Park, down A1A by the ocean, to 17th St. Causeway for a good look at the cruise ships, up Federal to downtown, under the underpass, right on Broward to snake through side streets on to Sunrise, east to the Park. 10.04 miles. One pit stop before the causeway, a mini version of Rickenbacker, and after juicing up with a gatorade, not a bad climb...I didn't know I'd already done 5 just to get there. The underpass was surreal...the sounds of traffic and swooshing feet (mine) echoed off the walls and in my ears against the music from the ipod I cranked way up...the total cacophony helped drown out the thrilling edge of fear that drove me down into the well and then back up, running all the way, a steep climb. Meandering the side streets off Broward was a nice reward. I didn't realize Holiday Park, and the war memorial were near there, as I caught a lovely long stretch on its right side, little traffic, straight up to Sunrise. By then, (mile 8ish?) I was spent. It was mid-day and HOT. I don't know why I run like this...I know its counter-intuitive to run in the heat. In theory it doesn't bother me. I like the feel of the sun beating on me, and easing my aches and pains. But it's draining and hard to beat the dehydration and chronic thirst. I think I have some notion of training my body to be lean, to be hardy in the 'elements'; of course this is humorous, because I stink in cold, I wimp out in anything below 55 LOL....I guess I want to beat what the Florida stereotype is all about. I rounded into the park on empty but managed a walk/run that last half loop by the intercoastal to the car. It was a lovely thing to feel I had accomplished what I imagined. All this is my way of testing......can I train for that marathon? I have to multiply this by THREE. I have to imagine that loop almost 3 TIMES to equal the approximate effort of a marathon.....but I also need to remind myself that NEVER in a thousand years would I have imagined a run through that underpass at full speed, on a 10 miler in Ft. Lauderdale, flying through the city as in a dream. Did I dream I was a runner once? I must have, all those years I walked. I must have felt it, that one day I WOULD fly, travel a little faster....there is no feeling like it, to roll along at one's own pace, with one's own thoughts, watching whatever the world presents as it goes. If I keep at it, If I keep those loops nice and long, longer, I can piece together a training and keep moving towards that goal.

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