Monday, December 17, 2012

Back to the Beach Run: The Light Reveals 12-16-12

Like many others this weekend,  I felt myself sunk deep into contemplation in the aftermath of the Connecticut shooting and the lead up to the 12-21 Solstice Portal.   I had difficulty processing what was going on, even as much as I 'see' and expect the violence.  Let's not forget that children all around the world are subject to unconscionable violence, abuse, exploitation and death, including right here in the so-called 'advanced' western world.  Now we know.  We are linked in this tragedy.

As Great Mother Gaia prepares Her moment of birth into a New Era us 'local representatives' can feel Her anticipation,  relief and joy!   To deliver Oneself from this level of existence where She has been persecuted and denied Life for so it any wonder the Elders have no precedent for this....?!   We have endured other changes in eras, civilizations, attainments...and many times Earth has come close to exiting this universe for good....But here is what I see.

The Timelines are clearly dividing themselves out.   Live peace,  strive for peace, for harmony with Self and Spirit, with Gaia,  with universal forces of Life,  and peace you shall have.   Live within the 'death cult',  bringing harm to self/spirit, to the earth,  to others...and so you shall have this too.  The masculine energies have become so far removed from their original purpose to Serve, honor and protect the Divine Feminine.  It has become a Power Over, a subjugation to Will,  an escape from true responsibility to the Light and Life.  The feminine energies have been subjugated for so long,  it is hard to find our voice....but we know it is embedded within Mother Earth, as it is within each of us.  And so we can 'go there' to fill the well of HOPE, of GOOD OUTCOMES,  of HEALING, to share our stories of fortitude and victory and walk through this portal into our SHARED FUTURE ANEW!

There is no time so filled with mythical proportions which asks us all to make a simple choice:  are you crossing into peace, love and harmony?  Or are you married to your old way of life,  to blame, criticism, the destructive emotions and actions which hurt and harm, your self, your spirit, your loved ones....

I think I was getting all this before the early morning run on Sunday,  but there is something about that spot at the beach that 'brings it to me' and made it clear.   We are not in competition with anyone to get to this finish line.   It's not going anywhere, and neither are we.  One foot in front of the other, with the spirit of democratic encouragement and upliftment - this is how we run this race...and at the end, when we cross that line,  something wonderful is waiting for us, ready to embrace us...a revision of old ways into New.   Mother Gaia needs you,  She's been waiting for you.   Men, awake and arise!  We need you!  Women,  awake and arise!  Carry yourself as we carry each other across the threshold....   Those cries we hear is the call in our hearts.  Get out there on the 21st,  sit with Mother Nature,  and welcome the New You. 

Namaste, all.  See you on the Other Side. 

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