The Great Turn of the Solstice light -coming back from the longest night, appears amplified beyond my imagination! (Does anyone else notice the strength of the sun??) It felt as if the muscles and molecules of my body took on a life of their own as I cruised down my western loop in mostly empty streets, breathing in that clear, cold crystalline air that filled my lungs like buoys coming up from the bottom of my feet. The World conspired to give me this stretch of 3 days (formerly known as the '3 days of darkness'....;-)) to relax, absorb and give my presence over to the unfolding of the Era....not just another Solstice, but the turn of a Wheel of such proportions I can't quite grasp all the implications of this doorway.
...Which appeared to us here at the south Florida beachfront as a parting, a slice of Heaven between La Mer, turning turquoise at sunrise, and the weather mounting like a grey dome above us (which was the advent of our current cold front!). This strange and powerful sight was witnessed by an assortment of folks strung up and down the beach like small bangles of light adorning the sand. It came at the end of our ceremony and stopped us in our tracks as it looked like we wouldn't see the sun rise at all.
And finally an homage to The Great Mother via Celeste and beautiful Naomi who at 2 and 1/2 seemed right at home. It seemed absolutely right to have our 3 generations present: me, now the old grandmother Crone facilitating, Celeste the new Mother coming into her own as priestess and Naomi the new little there any doubt the new children are born 'knowing'??
Just before the sun rose, Celeste and I watched the busy sky. Between portals and eyes and bridges and sparkling rainbow colors, The Galactic Center had much to show us. Towards the end we both spied the Being of Light (no photo sorry) walking on that cosmic causeway that linked the portal with Mother Earth, before disappearing back into the void, as if to say "Namaste! We are Here!" Look at all of this from the point of view of that Ascended being, who as aspect of ourselves, chose to 'show up' and participate in a Grand Awakening. Feel your own impressions of what IS a moment of unity with what lies before you on a timeline of remembering. It is a taste of what's to come in planetary history, but a window into an infinite well of multiplicity. All creation lies within. Choose now, the words, deeds and emotions to grace a New World and give it your Artistic All!!
(by Celeste)....
December 21, 2012
Welcoming and embracing the new light
The morning of December 21, 2012, the day the world was supposed to end, the day new energy was coming in, the day that hopefully will change this world. I didnt know what to expect this dark and early morning. I awoke about 4:45 to start this endeavor. With my little girl by my side we both set out for our early morning adventure. It was still dark outside, the sun was still sleeping and so we set out with our flashlights in hand.
The days before I picked out a set number of crystals I wanted to incorporate in this ritual, each represeting thier own uniqueness and carrying with them vibrations of energy needed for this time. They were to contribute thier energy to this welcoming/embracing ritual. At the last moment,the night before, my intuition led me to add 2 more. Once charged and prepared for the journey, I put them in my little black bag, we were ready to go.
As I drove through the streets there was a quiet but active energy about this morning. There was a sense that lightworkers were up and already starting their work for the day, and powerful work indeed. In a trance-like state, I drove, taking time to explain the lights and sounds to my little one. There were days, even years leading up to this morning and I felt the need to be prepared spiritually.
When I pulled up into Dania Beach, at first, I proceeded to go the wrong way on the road, I guess they have changed it over here. Pretty typical of me in a new situation where I dont know what to expect. I usually start off going the wrong way, almost as a means to "get a feel for" my surroundings. This beach, this pier, this place is my home and still my solitude and place of peace when I'm distraught. Remembering a few years ago when I used to spend alot of time on the beach in my early recovery, I was walking down the beach and a man stopped me and said, "you look like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders". I smiled and walked on. For isn't it true for lightworkers, healers, artists, free spirits to often times feel this way; it is a calling, a knowing, there is something inside that tells you something important has to be done by you, through you, around you. What that is, I've learned, only your path and destinations will show.
Finally I drive up to 'the spot' and Ricci's car is parked there. I have no idea where she is or if she's wandering but somehow spirit will guide me where to go. So I proceed to get my little girl out of her carseat, she is excited to see what awaits as well!
We walk onto the sand, making sure I have the flashlight for my little girl, I turn it on, it illuminates her world. Walking over to where Ricci is seated the first thing I notice are two lights in the sky, off in the distance. They glow an orange color and are pretty close, that is to say, not a star. They are spaced perfectly above the ocean, almost like an entrance to somewhere unseen. It seems we have "our facilitators".Initially I want to follow those lights and align us in the center but after realizing that's a really far walk, settling near a tiki hut will work just fine. As Ricci begins to set up, I can't help but think of what she will construct in the sand. I have thought about shapes and symbols and have come up with one in particular and am curious to see what she has in mind. She starts to draw the circle in the sand to begin our mandala and help welcome this new wave of energy entering at 6:11am. Finally I have to ask Ricci if she has any specific shape in mind. She says "I was thinking a spiral" I cannot even begin to tell you how astonding it was to hear her say that specific shape/design, its the one I had chosen to do myself. Already things are aligning perfectly. Even my daughter helps to find rocks and shells to put into our organic mandala. The spiral represents all of life, its in nature, weather, flowers, animals, it is a symbol of everything past and present. It was really the only shape to use in my mind.
After creating our mandala out of sand, seashells and rocks we check the time. 5:57am, its getting close to that window of time when the energy will make its entrance into our world. Ricci proceeds to set up the alter, some sage and a white candle on a piece of dark wood. She finally gets the candle lit after a few times of it being blown out. The nature spirits got this under control. To be honest I'm amazed we get the candle lit at all. The smoke smells wonderful coming from the burning sage and at the same time is purifying my soul and our environment. Into the portal we go. I am overcome by a feeling of safety and power, allowing it to move through me, I am at peace. Once our spiral is created I grab my crystals and begin to place them throughout the spiral. Desert Rose for protection of mother earth in the center, it also carries the properites of selenite, an amazing new vibration stone to help access angelic realms. Second, I place turquoise to help with connecting to our native american spirit, it helps connect the earth plane with the ethereal plane as well and is known for good luck. Third I place Celestite, this stone is also a high vibration stone used to create a harmonious atomsphere and connect with celestial bodies. Fourth is Sunstone, this carries with it the power of the sun within and is a great stone for creativity and energy. The fifth crystal I use is Rose Quartz, known for its unconditional love, this is an offering to mother earth. And lastly I place salt, known for its ancient properites of reconnecting with our ancestors and the ocean with the land, it is also an offering to our mother earth. That seals the spiral. Of course it was a perfect size to accomidate my crystals, exactly what I had hoped for.
To the east is a beautiful star or something that resembles a star, it is very bright and just seems to be watching us. There is a loving, feminie vibration to it. We both notice it and begin to discuss its possible origins. Out in the distant ocean, the clouds are beginning to lighten up, there is a light blue starting to show itself. Pure beauty. Pure magic.
Nature, mother earth, the feminine begins to speak to us through shapes and symbols in the clouds. We spot what looks like eyes peering down at us, they have a sort of asian or maybe native american look about them and I can't help but think this must be an ancestor of ours acknowledging our work. There is a sense of seriousness in these eyes and I instinctively know, this is a sign that the road to enlightenment might not be easy. Ricci points out some wings in the clouds, which to me represents freedom at its finest. Wings represnt the air element and is a symbol of accessing both the earth and ethereal planes. This is beautiful to see in the clouds as it says to me, freedom of movement between worlds.
The next occurance to take place is when I notice a bridge or passageway of some sort in the clouds. It is leading from the 'portal' and across the sky into our world. It is a stone-like looking bridge and it stretches over towards the earth. Spirit will be passing in and out of our world/dimension and this is the perfect road to take. I start to sense movement behind the clouds, very swift movement following the bridgeway into our world and I wonder if this is spirit moving in, it was quite exceptional. A loving pink cloud, in a rocket shape, shooting towards the bridgeway and our world appeared, as if out of nowhere. In its vibrant pink, it was as if spirit was shooting a blast of unconditional love our way. As movement continued I found it hard to explain what I was sensing/seeing but I did my best. There were moments of quiet reflection and contemplation for me and moments of me explaining what the racoon was doing in the garbage can behind us. My daughter really embraced this, she is only two and a half years old and she seemed to "get" that we were doing something special.
The most unforgettable event that took place I feel was the being of light I believe we saw. I thought it was an airplane sky marking but soon discovered it wasn't because it was moving, walking swiftly towards our world and then it vanished into the clouds. There was a human like movement to it. Ricci saw it too and I'm glad because I may of questioned what it is I just witness had she not. There was a feeling of excitement and anxiety at the same time when I saw this being walking in the clouds. It was the most incredible thing I've ever witnessed spirit do and I have experienced quite a few amazing things. I had never seen spirit manifest itself in such a way to actually become visible! This to me was amazing! Magnificent! Pure magic! I am so overwhelmed with love and gratitude that I was there to witness it. I was quite shocked to be honest, I did not expect that!
The entire time we spent out there we were surrounded by dark clouds with the exception of the portal or entrance to the spirit world. Ricci grabbed some rose petals she had stashed in her bag and burned them. I proceeded to spread them through the spiral from the center out. Another representation of unconditional love being offered.
We sat and talked some more about the things we were sensing/seeing and soon decided we probably should pack up before it rains. There were a few drops here and there and we were in acceptance that we might not see the sun rise up because of the clouds. We packed up our stuff and began to leave the beach. Wishing farewell to our mandala and thanks to the spirit world for their presence. Before we could get off the sand we noticed a beautiful orange glow rising behind the horizon. It was the sun!! It was coming up and visible!! We all stopped and sat down to honor its arrival and as I watched, there was a movement I noticed in the sun. It was as if someone shook it lightly left to right, left to right. I asked if Ricci saw it, she didn't but it was definetly a shifting movement I noticed. We continued to gaze a while longer and just before we got up to leave this magnificent sight, my daughter leans back into my arms and says "the man wants peace."