When a road runner like me comes across a new route, thrilling anticipation is the result- even if the route has a history. The new beach loop runs part of the same roads used in the Ft. Lauderdale marathon, and by the local runners club when I was training for all that years ago. Oakland Park was also once my 'cut-through', driving from Hollywood up to see my parents in the old days...hitting the Whole Foods on Federal. So having some history here, even while newly arrived, gives me a context for many firsts.
How many? How long have I ruminated over having my own private practice space: and finally! My first Saturday clients, listening as they bask in the big easy chair in the back office...the sunlight through the windows, the quiet green of the backyard buffering us from the world. First drives down to work, forays to neighborhood breakfast places, pizza places, stores of all kinds...first nights and mornings without worrying what nonsense is going on upstairs, or down the catwalks...first evenings sitting out in the yard, writing, drawing or just putzing around. First visitors. First storms!
Crafting new routines is my way of coping with change, and a good strategy overall. For many folks, leaving ourselves open to the impact of change can cause stress and anxiety. So after those first few weeks, I began to find my new rhythm; waking up early to a niche of sunrise slanting through my window.... running at least several days during the week after work, finding new loops - and new serenity- through the gorgeous SE neighborhoods. Scoping out new plantings, artwork, spaces for creating, resting, hanging out...feeling an up-swell of satisfaction and gratitude that all my planning and hard work has brought me here, my little slice of heaven.
If you live in my area and feel inspired, come join me for Summer Solstice on Saturday June 21st. (4-7pm) We'll hold a circle around my fire-pit and celebrate the Longest Day, the fullness of growth, the gift of Light.
We plant ourselves into the world. As our roots anchor us, our branches reach out to find nourishment and communicate with the living atmosphere. Even a 'transplant' can grow successfully when planted with care...So bring plants or seeds for exchange and a vegetarian dish if you'd like to hang around and share a meal. Message me for address. And allow yourself to get into YOUR right mind!
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