I ran 3 days in a row, Friday through Sunday this week. I started with my beautiful loop at John Lloyd state park Friday, nice out and back before clients Saturday and a modest Griffin loop, maybe 8 miles Sunday. Of course my 'uber-runner' friends are racking up their BIG miles and races, and each time I see their posts I have to SIGH.....with a mixture of hope and resignation...
So when Celeste and I did our full moon meditation and later compared runner notes (she's a newbie), I got to be the seasoned elder dispensing advice. My current physical adjustments have meant taking into account MORE rest, MORE relaxation (more yoga), and willingness to adjust down on the mileage meter. So 3 days in a row was an accomplishment! And made all the more remarkable by comparison with a newbie. I remember that first year or so what it felt like to try jump-starting a walk into a run for even a little distance...how sore I was, how determined to make it 1 block, 2, 1 mile or more.....my first 5K, 10K, half-marathon...my first marathon! So I have to laugh at myself sometimes....maybe my progression loops around instead of driving a straight line UP....but in general, I RUN.....I'm consistent....and I still reap the benefits of physical fitness overall.
There are many aspects of things I feel a tug of dissatisfaction about these days....as humans we want to see the progression of our efforts...better (_yours here!_____)....job, status, $, love-life, housing....better health, quality of life, spiritual peace and connection. Each generation bequeaths a sense of progress to the next....to obtain greater success, more stability and freedoms. And all the while we run the gauntlet of World/political realities and events, global conditions of all kinds, and the psychic challenges that translate to breakthroughs- or set-backs....in our quest to find our niche in Life.
I am in competition with no one but myself. I need to look over my shoulder once in a while and see the distance I've come, mark it on a map, retrace the route to encourage my looking forward at how far I need to go. I remember that I CHOSE the route, and the distance, taking into account my current assessment of limitations....CAN I do those longer miles? Not right now....CAN I do a marathon? One day again, sure why not?! CAN I find the place of my dreams, man of my dreams, therapeutic space.. to support myself, to assist others find their Inner Runner, Lover, Life-Live-er? The real question is can I cultivate the patience and persistence to GET THERE?! Persistence I have in abundance. Sometimes I think the Universe is constantly teaching me Patience! So yes, Mother Nature, I am hearing You.....patience it is....
Where have you gotten stuck in your assessment of yourself...feeling discouraged, comparing yourself against others' perceived success? Take a look over your shoulder...see where you've come from and remember to pat yourself on the back. If by chance you do NOT like what you see (maybe you feel you've gone backwards?!)....take stock of the route and remember your choices....if you meander a while on a back road, it might not be the worse thing....it might just give you the respite needed to get back to the main road again....soon.
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