Monday, October 28, 2013

Embraced by the Open Road: Sunday Long Run and more

Excitement is contagious.  It doesn't matter that I am not personally entered in any races this season,  I am just as excited to follow the Marine Corp marathon (congrats, yesterday!!) or the Halloween runners across at the park Saturday,  or Marlon's success at his 24 hour ultra,  or Crash putting in those long miles for his comeback marathon in December...Saturday I woke early enough for an out and back made comfortable by the cooler temps, and prepped for a long run Sunday.

Morning smacked me in the face with strong sunlight;  slept later than I planned, but temps read 66 degrees so I could still stay super comfortable out for a while on the roads.  The skies were full of feathery clouds as I headed out to the main road, and from sheer habit turned up the overpass to 29th....allowing my body to wake up, stretch out a bit and get a rhythm going.

I thought about the MCM'ers "OORAH"ing their way through DC....and as usual,  wondering what makes one run so different from I turned up Angler's to Ravenswood and took that beautiful straight stretch feeling mysteriously light on my feet!  The air clear as glass,  the skies unfurled like a vast flag while the road seemed to rise up to meet me until I took my first Publix pit-stop. 

From there I wondered about taking the Big Loop down to 40th....I've been plagued by loose dogs at times, and there was one at the bottom of 40th that has made me avoid this road despite its lovely country feel....but feeling so great I thought,  today let's go!  Heading back out to Griffin and passing my usual cut-down at's hard to get going again after a break....I slogged along until my feet caught up and took the turn on much changes in so many little ways even on residential streets!  I felt tired but kept the pace as I rounded down through the shady trees and onto Stirling...finding my way through my usual Emerald Hills loop to home.
By now the sun was full on,  and the temps back up....the lack of humidity, so rare for us here,  was the boon I needed to feel comfortable despite the distance....I kept patting myself on the back for every little fartlek,  every street covered,  each time I ran instead of walked,  and focused on breath and rhythm...nothing hurt too badly...  and my heart felt strong and wide open to the world.
Running on a day when I have no schedule constraints is the greatest freedom I know.  When I got home I dove into the back porch to putz with the plants and draw....and felt that beautiful vibe all day of being in harmony with the it seemed to rise up to embrace me.  Even if so many previous efforts felt full of struggle and angst,  it only takes one magical run to make it all present again:  the movement,  the power,  the synergistic relationship with Mother Nature watching me watching Her....buoying me up on the hard stretches....blowing me a nice breeze,  warming up my arms....filling my heart with hope that even me,  the 'wanna be' runner is still capable of -what to me are- great feats!!  Getting out there,  putting in my own honest miles....longer than I hoped! And finding my REAL long run again!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Taking Stock: Progress not Perfection

I ran 3 days in a row, Friday through Sunday this week.  I started with my beautiful loop at John Lloyd state park Friday,  nice out and back before clients Saturday and a modest Griffin loop, maybe 8 miles Sunday.   Of course my 'uber-runner' friends are racking up their BIG miles and races, and each time I see their posts I have to SIGH.....with a mixture of hope and resignation...

So when Celeste and I did our full moon meditation and later compared runner notes (she's a newbie),  I got to be the seasoned elder dispensing advice.  My current physical adjustments have meant taking into account MORE rest, MORE relaxation (more yoga),  and willingness to adjust down on the mileage meter.  So 3 days in a row was an accomplishment! And made all the more remarkable by comparison with a newbie.   I remember that first year or so what it felt like to try jump-starting a walk into a run for even a little sore I was,  how determined to make it 1 block, 2,  1 mile or first 5K, 10K, first marathon!    So I have to laugh at myself sometimes....maybe my progression loops around instead of driving a straight line UP....but in general,  I RUN.....I'm consistent....and I still reap the benefits of physical fitness overall.

There are many aspects of things I feel a tug of dissatisfaction about these humans we want to see the progression of our efforts...better (_yours here!_____)....job, status, $, love-life, housing....better health, quality of life,  spiritual peace and connection.   Each generation bequeaths a sense of progress to the obtain greater success, more stability and freedoms.  And all the while we run the gauntlet of World/political realities and events,  global conditions of all kinds,  and the psychic challenges that translate to breakthroughs- or our quest to find our niche in Life.

I am in competition with no one but myself.   I need to look over my shoulder once in a while and see the distance I've come,  mark it on a map,  retrace the route to encourage my looking forward at how far I need to go.   I remember that I CHOSE the route, and the distance,  taking into account my current assessment of limitations....CAN I do those longer miles?  Not right now....CAN I do a marathon?  One day again,  sure why not?!  CAN I find the place of my dreams,  man of my dreams,  therapeutic space.. to support myself,  to assist others find their Inner Runner, Lover, Life-Live-er?   The real question is can I cultivate the patience and persistence to GET THERE?!  Persistence I have in abundance.  Sometimes I think the Universe is constantly teaching me Patience!  So yes,  Mother Nature, I am hearing You.....patience it is....

Where have you gotten stuck in your assessment of yourself...feeling discouraged, comparing yourself against others' perceived success?  Take a look over your shoulder...see where you've come from and remember to pat yourself on the back.  If by chance you do NOT like what you see (maybe you feel you've gone backwards?!)....take stock of the route and remember your choices....if you meander a while on a back road, it might not be the worse might just give you the respite needed to get back to the main road again....soon. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Gaining- and Losing Ground: Sunday Long Run

Like a child with eyes bigger than their stomach when looking at a feast,  I woke to such a gorgeous morning Sunday,  that all thoughts of caution flew out of my head.  Instead, I felt a rush of excitement about just being out in the morning, and with a "why not?!" decided to tackle one of my favorite loops,  the long way to the beach via Dania. 

Back in my serious training days,  this 13-ish mile loop was my training benchmark for half-marathon racing.  I've done it many times.  It includes several magical stretches such as the cut between Sheridan and Stirling where the little blue crabs scuttle into their burrows along a waterway,  or the broad expanse of Dania Beach boulevard which brings the beach horizon ever closer,  or the tunnel of green on Surf Rd,  the connector between Dania and North Park beaches,  where all the other runners and bikers cruise up and down, skirting the wild cats, the dogs on leashes, the occasional cars looking for parking.

Over-confident,  and sunk into my early out-of-bed fog,  I felt myself on auto-pilot for the easterly stretch before taking the cut up to Dania,  and across to the beach.  Where I would normally just slow it down nice and easy I found myself needing to walk,  as I came into the Dania parking lot and picked up the path along the shoreline. 

Enjoying the welcome distraction of beautiful La Mer as She opened Her arms to welcome me (and catch a few photos),  I hobbled my way down Surf road and into North Park and thought;  "Whew! I'm done! But I need to get home now....yikes!"  And realizing that the umph I might have for a loop this long in the old days was nowhere to be found.

As I lifted my spirits and body from idle, I filled my water bottles and began my way west, up the overpass, admiring the crystalline light making everything seem etched in light,  and walked.  And walked.  For a block or so I put a little hop to it which created a slow (very slow) run,  but soon the heat of the day took it all out of me and I walked some more.   It took what seemed like an amazingly long time to walk the stretches between West Lake to Federal,  Dixie to 95,  before finally climbing the last overpass home.  Everything was aching;  my hips, legs, feet,  pain in my shoulders,  my body wanted to break down and I kept walking like the proverbial foot in front of the other.

For a turtle like me,  marathons are like this from about 15-18 miles on.   Sheer willpower and gut gets me through the torture my body experiences in those last miles.   The fact that I have done- and somehow survived - those experiences has always shown me that the body is more resilient than we know.   So somewhere in the midst of my meltdown I reminded myself this distance has not been on the menu for some time.  Clearly I am not used to this kind of push.   Time to rethink my efforts and ramp it back down.

Many of my running buddies, yes that's you Crash,  and you Marlon,  are finding new plateaus and benchmarks!  At the London marathon this year,  the fastest time ever was recorded!   I gained much ground in the old days when training seemed like my singular focus in life.  But now,  it feels I have lost some ground,  and training this body requires increasing vigilance to what I do and how.  

We have a bad tendency to tunnel vision;  whatever state we find ourselves in seems as if it 'should' last forever.   So perceived set-backs are like sentences of doom.  "I'll never run long again" was coursing through my head, -until I put a halt to it and realized "Maybe I can't run long NOW,  or TODAY,  but time will give me another chance to make it long again, if I just stay smart- and consistent...."etc.  

There are many ways I'm looking at where I apply my re-framing to things.  How I choose to turn the dial on my thoughts and focus on which perceptions has lowered my stress- and maybe my expectations.   But the road remains.   Whether I capture all of it,  or some of it,  the enticing beauty of Mother Nature is the constant in my running life.  I run to embrace Her.  And even if sometimes it feels She tricks me with a harsh reality, like the smothering edge of heat or rainstorms,  this does nothing to dampen the magnificence of Her landscape.  

The Nature of our selves is like the weather of our emotions,  there are sometimes harsh environments for our heart.   It feels at times as if our dreams are losing ground,  and the aches and pains of endurance is too much.   But the gains of our experiences truly never leave us, no matter what has changed in the outer world.  Gain the ground lost by feeling the invincibility of your Spirit.   Whether you captured the goal you wanted or fell short,  there are many ways to "get there."   Let the road speak to you, and reach beyond the pain to the beauty calling you from every side.   It emanates straight from you!