Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall Equinox 2013: Let it Burn

After the frenzy of BARC's 40th anniversary event on Friday, and back to private practice on Saturday, I woke up Sunday ready for a long run to get my head into the Equinox spirit.
This benchmark, like so many others this year,  is full of meaningful layers, not the least of which is the 9 month mark from 12-21-12.  In all these months we have gestated ourselves,  to what are we giving birth??  Great Mother conspired to get me over to Tree Tops with Celeste....just so I could open an altar and ask exactly that.  But first....

Headed out into what serves as fall in south Florida- a warm rising sun and the coolish air rising from the earth met with me in the middle as I took the overpass and headed up 29th.  The dream themes of constant renovations swirled around in my head with the images of hope, change and expecting the unexpected.  Without too much trouble I rounded out onto Ravenswood and enjoyed that lovely straight stretch tucked along a nearly empty road, feeling my body relax into the rhythm.  Regardless of any form of anticipation about the day,  the run gives me that structured regularity that grounds me to Mother Earth even as it frees my concerns from their cages of the every-day.  Cruising down 35th,  meandering through Emerald Hills, it was a glorious morning spent with Nature.

I sorted through and packed my altar gear, meeting up with Cel at Tree Tops.  We navigated through our initial 'process' of figuring out where to go by leading with our gut instinct after all,  finding the Perfect Place along a bridle path, just off a hiking trail.  As the prep and opening commenced, and the smoke from the sage began to rise,  it swirled on puffs of wind and danced around us.  I 'saw' a building burning, as red as fire can be....and myself standing a ways back while the 'message' sounded:  'the building must burn, let it;  don't feel you need to run in to save it- the New needs to be built on the ashes of the Old.'

We placed many personal and planetary things into that fire bowl.  Things to let go.  Things to call in.  On this balance point, this birthing point for something beyond our scope of comprehension,  trust is asked of us as we watch our belief systems,  our governing and world systems, even our interpersonal constructs take to the flames of transformation.  I sat in the wafting of that sweet smoke and felt myself come Full Circle,  as we 'sat' with Mello and Vitae,  the rest of the Sun Temple brothers and sisters and all those others who were doing their ceremonies and conducting their own sacred circles everywhere around the world.  I felt a sense of peace about my own path and asked Great Mother to continue to let me serve Her, give Her voice, bring Her Presence into these times. 

We are too consumed with the negative imagery of destruction.  We forget this is just one facet of Her face.   The Old must go to make room for what we all are bringing in to this world.  Don't hang on to it.  Honor the lessons learned.  Now, it is time to stand back,  let it all burn....and - rebuild our New World.

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